If you are looking to expand your workforce or have existing staff that would benefit from gaining an industry recognised City & Guild 5357 qualification, our government funded apprenticeships can boost the skills and knowledge of your team without the cost of other training schemes.
There is an incentive of £1,000 to employers who hire an apprentice aged 16-18, however apprenticeships are now open to everyone aged 16 and over, regardless of existing knowledge or years spent in the electrical industry. If you are a non-levy paying employer, with an apprentice aged 19 and over, you will make a 5% contribution and the government will pay the remaining 95%. If you are a levy paying employer that has an annual payroll higher than £3 million, you are charged a levy of 0.5% which can be used to pay for this training.
The scheme can cater to a wide range of skill sets with a varying length of course times,which is determined by the apprentice’s existing skill and knowledge. Whether they are a new hire or an existing employee, investing in your staff’s development can increase loyalty and retention, by building a motivated and rapidly developing team.

Subjects Covered
The apprenticeship can last between 3-4 years covering electrical installation as well as maintenance and is formed of three elements, on-the-job training, practical and theory classes at the academy, then a final AM2S examination over a three-days assessment period.
On-the-job training must be a minimum of 30 hours paid work each week, 20% of which will be dedicated to the time learning at the Electrical Academy. As the rate of pay for the apprentice is set by the employer, it can be lower than the national minimum wage, although it is usually higher and must include the time spent training at the academy.
As an employer you will need to provide your apprentice with a thorough induction, on-the-job training, and a safe work environment. Also, the apprentice will receive the same benefits as other employee’s (holiday, sick pay, and pension opportunities), as well as having a signed apprenticeship agreement in place, which outlines the length of the apprenticeship, the training that will be involved, the working conditions and the qualifications they are working towards.
The Electrical Academy will be on hand to answer any questions and support both the apprentice and the employer throughout the apprenticeship. The opportunity to gain a C&G 5357 qualification, whilst continuing to work and earn as an apprentice, allows your staff to stay pro-active and motivated as they develop their skills.